Procedures and answers to frequently asked questions
Do I need a medical presciption?
Yes, in Austria you need a medical prescription to do physiotherapy. Your general practitioner or medical specialist will give you a prescription if physiotherapy is indicated. Your prescription needs to contain your personal data, a medical diagnosis and specifics of your treatment (How often? How long? Which kind of therapy?)
You don’t need a prescription for physiotherapy if you consult your physiotherapist for preventive reasons. In Austria physiotherapists are only allowed to provide preventive services to healthy individuals. So if there is a reason for you to think that you have a medical condition let your physiotherapist know.
Things to bring along to your therapy:
- – a medical prescription in written form (and approved by your health insurance)
- – relevant medical evidence in written form
- – a towel
- – comfortable clothes
- – clean training shoes (if required) or slippers since we try to keep the treatment rooms clean
- – an FFP-2 mask due to Covid-19
Things to know about the costs:
I am a self-employed physiotherapist. This means that you have to bear part of your expenses yourself. Your health insurance will only cover a part of your costs. In order to get a part of your expenses refunded you need to get the medical prescription approved by the insurance company at least before the second session. Exceptions are currently the ÖGK and the BVAEB, which currently suspend the approval requirement.
Sometimes private insurance companies (in case you have one) cover the costs for physiotherapy. Please ask your company about it.
Pricing per session:
- – Physiotherapy, 30 min: 63 €
- – Physiotherapy, 45 min: 92 €
- – Physiotherapy, 60 min: 119 €
You will receive an invoice from your physiotherapist either at the end of one or several sessions. You need to settle that bill yourself first and then you can request reimbursement from your insurance company.
Important info about the cancellation of an appointment:
As soon as you realize that an agreed appointment won’t work for you, please let me know either via phone or e-mail. You need to cancel an appointment at least 24 hours before the agreed time. Otherwise I need to charge you the amount of that treatment unit. The insurance company will not refund you for that missed treatment unit.