About me

In general

Growing up in a small village in Lower Austria movement has been a vital part of my life since the days of my childhood. From skateboarding to climbing, mountain biking and snowboarding – from an early age it has been “creative” forms of sports in nature that have mesmerized me.

From then on, this passion for motion and its immanent creativity is not only the motivation to move myself but also for my pursuit with movement in various ways. It also led to my profession as a physiotherapist. And with this passion I want to move others too.

Professional Qualifications

Formal education:

2004 A-levels Bundesgymnasium Amstetten

Academic education:

2006-2009: FH St. Pölten:  bachelor’s degree program Physiotherapy, incl. a semester abroad at the Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal

2019-2022: Universität Salzburg: Master of Science in Sports Physiotherapy

Specialist Advanced Education:

2009: Kinesiotaping

2010: Therapeutic climbing

2011-2012: Spiraldynamik basic course

2012-2013: Trigger Point Therapy IMTT

2013-2018: Klinisches Patientenmanagement

The time that I have in invested into keeping educated are approved trough the certificate for further education MTD-CPD Plus.

Professional Career

2009-2017: AKH Vienna, Department of Orthopedics and Trauma-Surgery.

2013-ongoing: self-employed (2015-2022 in the group practice PHYSIO-BOX in Vienna, since 2023 in Amstetten).

2023-ongoing: lecturer for Physiotherapy at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences.


I am a member of Physio Austria, the federal association of physiotherapists in Austria.

Organizational and lecturing work for the interdisciplinary climbing symposium “Rock On” 2017 in Vienna.